Injury Rehabilitation

At GetFitFast we specialise in injury rehabilitation and prevention. Current modern & sedentary lifestyles have caused our muscular system to become structurally weaker over time, overloading our joints, ligaments & tendons and ultimately leading to injury. Our job is focused on finding imbalances where the injury took place, strengthening muscles in those targeted areas and then improving the range of motion & stability to prevent the injury from reoccuring. We do not take the place of a physiotherapist or chiropractor, however we serve as the next step in treatment, helping you get back stronger and better than ever! 

Why Injury Rehabilitation

At GetFitFast we have helped to treat clients with various injuries over the years, ranging from knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, ankles and various other muscular injuries. If you have picked up injuries playing sport, from day to day activities or just from lack of movement and a sedentary lifestyle, we can help you recover properly, prevent the injury reoccurring and improve your overall quality of life.

The Benefits 

  • Strengthen Areas Around The Injury
  • Improve Range of Motion & Stability
  • Increase Overall Strength & Muscle Mass
  • Reduce Pain & Discomfort
  • Improve Balance & Coordination 
  • Improve Overall Quality Of Life
  • Learn Exercise Protocols That Can Be Used For Life
If you are interested and would like to find out more information regarding Injury Rehabilitation please Contact Us.